All the pretties in Selling sunset HAVE and NEED to be done many things on their faces and bodies. Since Christina said someone is true because she is the only one who doesn’t have fake boobs. 😅😅
Still follow season 3 except the high school complex boring

#魔方 #vaser #profound #subcision #up雷射 #chrishellstause #威塑 #sellingsunset #microdermabrasion #miradry #miradryfresh #電波拉皮 #bekasjerawat #ニキビ跡 #up雷射推薦 #妊娠紋 #fray #fraxel #stretchmarks #thermage #thermageflx #acnescar #痘疤手術 #精準皮下剝離 #tcacross #acnescarmaster #痘疤 #疤痕治療 #ultrapulse @ SOGO 百貨


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