Skin damage. 皮膚損傷。 If you are over 40, your skin may be telling some tales about you--about your time as a smoker (lip lines), those long, lazy sun-worshipping summers (dry, rough skin, wrinkles, freckles and age spots), or perhaps you’re seeing a little more of Mom and Pop in the mirror each day than you’d care to. 如果您是超過40 ,你的皮膚可能會告訴一些關於您的故事-關於您的時間,作為一個煙民(唇系) ,這些長期,懶惰的太陽崇拜薩默斯(乾燥粗糙的皮膚,皺紋,雀斑和年齡點) ,或或許您看到多一點的媽媽和POP在鏡子裡每一天比你要照顧。 Yes, part of what you’re seeing is normal skin aging, but most of it is likely to be sun and other environmental damage. 是的,一部分是什麼您所看到的是正常的皮膚老化,但其中最重要的是可能會被太陽和其他對環境的破壞。 It’s ugly—and it’s not just on the surface, either. 它的醜陋和它不只是在表面上,無論是。
Good news: Two revolutionary medical technologies with diverse approaches to skin resurfacing are merging their strengths: fractional laser technology and the CO2 laser. 好消息: 2革命性的醫療技術與多種辦法,以皮膚鋪是合併各自的優勢:分數激光技術和CO2激光。 The two heavy-hitter beauty treatments are now being combined to provide a resurfacing and rejuvenating treatment that goes deeper into the skin than current conventional fractional laser treatments, while offering a safer treatment with considerably less social downtime and recovery than the traditional CO2 (carbon dioxide) ablation laser. 這兩個沉重的擊球手美容護理,現正結合,以提供一個重鋪路面和振興的待遇,深入到皮膚比目前常規的分數激光治療,同時提供一個更安全的治療相當少的社會停機時間和恢復比傳統的CO2 (二氧化碳)激光燒蝕。
For the patient with deeper wrinkling and skin damage, the aesthetic physician’s gold-standard, until recently, has been the CO2 laser, because of its ability to vaporize the outermost layers of skin across a large surface area. 為病人與更深的起皺和皮膚損傷,審美醫師的黃金標準,直到最近,一直是CO2激光,因為它能夠汽化最外層層皮膚全國大面積。 After some recovery, the newly-generated skin is remarkably smoother and suppler. 之後,一些復甦,新生成的皮膚明顯光滑和供應商。 The other side of the CO2 coin is that that reward generally comes after 10 to 14 days or so of hiding away as a social pariah, the first few days of which one will likely benefit from a potent pain medication. 另一邊, CO2的金銀紀念幣是獎勵後,一般10至14天或使隱藏遠離作為一種社會唾棄,首數天,其中可能會受益於一個強有力的止痛藥。 The skin tends to retain a pinkish/reddish hue for months afterward (the longer the redness, the better the final result), and there is, naturally, with any larger, weeping and crusting open wound surface, risk of infection if an aftercare regimen is not carefully followed. 皮膚傾向保留一個粉紅色/紅色的色調個月後(時間越長,發紅,更好的最終結果) ,並有自然,與任何較大的,哭泣和crusting開放創面,受感染的風險,如果一善後水情是不是認真遵守。 Additionally, a small percentage of patients may experience permanent, delayed-onset skin whitening or excess skin pigmentation. 此外,一個很小的百分比的病人,可能會遇到常駐,延遲發病的皮膚美白或過剩的皮膚色素沉著。
Now, enter fractional technology. 現在,輸入分數技術。 The fractional scientific approach is predicated upon the body’s healing response to injury. 分數的科學態度,是取決於身體的癒合反應損傷。 By creating thousands of tiny, microscopic laser wounds, spaced in an even pattern across the skin, but leaving areas of healthy, untreated skin between them, the lower collagen layer of the dermis is stimulated to renew and repair. 創造數以千計的細小,微觀激光的傷口,間隔在一模式,甚至整個皮膚,但離開領域的健康,未經處理的皮膚它們之間,較低的膠原層真皮是刺激了更新和維修。 The surface of the skin now contains only microscopic surface wounds, instead of one large, red, oozing burn. 表面的皮膚,現在只包含微觀表面的傷口,而不是一個大型的,紅色,滲血燒傷。 With the fractional treatment, the evidence of the ongoing healing and rebuilding process is more subtle, taking place deep in the dermis (where there are less pain receptors), leaving the protective epidermal covering much more intact. 與分數的待遇,證據正在進行的癒合和重建過程中是比較微妙,正在發生深刻的,在真皮層(其中有少疼痛受體) ,離開保護表皮,涵蓋更完整。 After a few days (instead of weeks) of your face appearing sun-blistered, the skin will now gradually repair and rebuild itself from the inside outward, stimulated to produce a fresh, thicker and more resilient layer of collagen, which over the next few months will fill out more evenly, for a tighter, smoother and more uniform surface appearance. 幾天後(而不是週)你的臉出現在太陽blistered ,皮膚會逐漸修復和重建自己從內向外,刺激產生的新鮮,厚和較為有彈性層的膠原蛋白,它在未來數個月內將填寫更均勻,更嚴格,更流暢和更均勻的表面外觀。 The DOT (Dermal Optical Thermolysis) CO2’s longer wavelength, combined with fractional laser technology takes the treatment deeper into the dermis than current, minimally-ablative fractional treatments can. 點(皮膚光熱)二氧化碳的波長較長,再加上分數激光技術治療需深入真皮層比目前,微-燒蝕分數可以治療。 The inherent risks of the CO2 laser are reduced considerably by implementing the fractional delivery, while the fractional treatment results are improved. 所固有的風險CO2激光是大大減少通過實施交付分數,而分數的治療結果得到改善。 Additionally, there are no known reports of any delayed skin whitening or excess skin pigmentation associated with the DOT CO2 fractional laser treatment. 此外,還有一些沒有已知的報告中的任何延遲皮膚美白或過剩的皮膚色素沉著與斑點的CO2激光治療分數。
SKINTASTIC™ currently offers the Fraxel™ SR1500, an advanced non-ablative fractional laser, for correction of mild to moderate sun damage, wrinkles and skin pigment irregularities. skintastic ™目前提供fraxel ™ sr1500 ,先進的非激光燒蝕分數 , 矯正輕度至中度曬傷,皺紋和皮膚色素的違規行為。 A patient generally receives 4 to 5 treatments with the current Fraxel technology. 病人一般在收到4至5治療與目前fraxel技術。 Jeffrey Adelglass, MD, FACS, Medical Director and Chief of Surgery for SKINTASTIC states, “We have experienced excellent results with the Fraxel™ SR1500, and will continue to offer Fraxel™ in our medical spa. 林健鋒adelglass ,海事處,流式細胞儀,醫療總監兼手術skintastic國, “我們有經驗豐富的優秀成果與fraxel ™ sr1500 ,並會繼續提供fraxel ™在我們的醫療水療中心。 However, for our patients with skin conditions requiring more dramatic correction, we can now also treat with the new CO2 fractional, which is a safer, more comfortable treatment and recovery option than the traditional CO2 alone.” 然而,對於我們的患者皮膚狀況需要更多的戲劇性的修正,我們現在也可以治療與新CO2的分數,這是一個更安全,更舒適的治療和恢復的選項比傳統的CO2單“ 。
Dr. Adelglass was one of the first 博士adelglass是第一個 Texas 德克薩斯州 physicians to introduce this new CO2 laser technology, and SKINTASTIC™ was selected to be a 醫生介紹這一新的CO2激光技術, skintastic ™被選為一個 National 國家 Training 訓練 Center 中心 to instruct other physicians, largely due to Dr. Adelglass’ extensive experience with various skin lasers and other aesthetic science technology applications. 指示其他醫師,主要是由於博士adelglass積累的豐富經驗,與各種皮膚激光器和其他的審美科學技術的應用。 Dr. Adelglass received his own first-hand, in-depth DOT Fractional CO2 training under one of the Italian physicians who originally developed the technology. 博士adelglass收到他自己的第一手,在深入點分數CO2的訓練下,一對意大利醫生誰原先開發的技術。